Prescott freeskool is dedicated to empowering our community to share skills and knowledge freely, fostering awareness, self-reliance, and personal growth.
Friday, January 1, 2010
January Calendar
The Catalyst Infoshop
109 N. McCormick Street
The Prescott Public Library
215 E. Goodwin Street
Prescott College
Crossroads Center: 215 Garden St. (behind 220 Grove)
Chapel: 220 Grove Ave
Ironwood: 310 Grove Ave
Yavapai College
1100 East Sheldon St.
Prescott, AZ 86301
if you want to paint pictures of kittens, give haircuts, do yard work, or read palms, your name could be here!!! get in touch.
Learn Old Time Claw-Hammer Style Banjo! with Carlos
E-mail me if you're willing to practice and learn! carlosbassetti@gmail.com
Need a Haircut?
Don't be silly and pay for a haircut that's uneven, too short and a different style than you asked for.
I'll cut it for you! And please! I want your input. It's your hair, not mine. E-mail me and we'll set up a time
for your new doo (or trim). annaconda@riseup.net
Food Not Bombs
This is an all-volunteer (twice) weekly event in which people come together to prepare, eat and clean a free vegan meal made from foods that are donated or can no longer be sold. We believe that everyone should have access to free, healthy food. Your presence and help are strongly encouraged!
Cook at The Catalyst at 12:00 pm
Serve and Eat at the Courthouse at 3:00 pm
Clean Dishes at The Catalyst at 4:00 pm
Capoeira combines song, dance, and movement in a holistic martial art.
When? Sundays from 6 - 8:00 pm
Where? Granite Performing Arts center – 218 N. Granite St.
Karma Farm meeting
Open meeting. Learn how you can participate in your not-for-profit community farm.
When? 10:00 am Mondays and Fridays
Where? Coffee Roasters - 318 W. Gurley St.
Juggling club
When? Mondays 5:30 pm
Where? GPAC - 218 N. Granite
Free Reiki Clinic
Recieve Reiki energy healing or share it.
When? Mondays at 5:30 pm
Where? Life Enrichment Center, 550 S. Montezuma, back of building, Suite G, where Granite Alley meets Walker.
Clases de Inglés
Les invita a una clase de ingles para facilitar su comunicación y mejorar su estancia aquí en los Estados Unidos. ¡Familia y Amigos son Bienvenidos y las clases son completamente gratis!
Donde? 310 Grove Ave, Ironwood Salón C
Cuando? cada lunes y viernes, despues de 15 de enero
ESL (English as a Second Language) Classes hosted by the Aztlan Center
Come practice your English, or volunteer with teaching or childcare.
When? Mondays and Fridays from 6-8pm, beginning on January 15.
Where? Ironwood C, Prescott College Campus
Wud U Carve Wud with Jeff
Carve wood with knives or any other sharp objects.
When? Tuesdays at 5pm
Where? The Catalyst
Prescott Free Radio Foundation Meetings!
Radio committees will be meeting to discuss the creation & operation of what is soon to be Prescott's most exciting alternative media source. Talk to us (prescottfreeradio@riseup.net) if you're interested in helping with radio programming, operations, events, english to spanish translation, or voicework. If you have questions, proposals, or just want to attend a meeting, drop us a line and we'll set something up!
When? Tuesdays (and Fridays), 4-6pm (starting Tuesday the 19th)
Where? The Catalyst Infoshop
Prescott Vipassana Sangha
The purpose of vipassana meditation is to see things as they really are by eradicating mental impurities
When? Tuesdays 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Where? 134 Garden St
Fire dancing with the fire dancers
When? Tuesdays starting at 7:30 pm
Where? Sundances parking lot (ALL ages)
Toddler Storytime
Join Mr. Steve for stories and activities selected for ages 0-3.
When? Wednesdays, 10am-11am
Where? Founder's Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
Letters to Prisoners! brought to you by anonymous people who care about solidarity
Prisoners are real people living behind bars. Start a relationship with a someone, and you will both benefit from it. Come learn about political prisoners and how you can support them. The Catalyst will stamp and mail the letters for you.
When? Wednesdays 4-6pm
Where? the Catalyst.
Karma Farm meeting
Open meeting. Learn how you can participate in your not-for-profit community farm.
When? Wednesdays, 7:00 pm
Where? the Catalyst
Silly Thursday Storytime
A silly, wiggly storytime for ages 2-5
When? Thursdays, 10am-10:35am
Where? James Activity Room, Prescott Public Library
Karma Farm Farmstand
FREE locally grown produce, fermented foods, canned goods, and firewood from your local urban gardening movement. Come to the Wednesday night meeting if you want to help harvest.
When? Thursdays 11-3 or so.
Where? The House of Plenty front yard - 111 N. McCormick St.
Page Turners with Miss Joan
Kids from 6-10 can join Miss Joan for stories every Thursday afternoon. Some sessions will include crafts for other activities inspired by the stories.
When? Thursdays 3:30pm-4:15pm
Where? James Activity Room, Prescott Public Library
Meditation for busy people
Foolproof meditation strategies for all time schedules and guided meditations. Please bring a gift for the teacher.
When? Thursdays at 5:30 pm
Where? The life enhancement center – 550 S. Montezuma Suite G – where S. Granite Alley meets Walker
contact? 928-273-4365
Preschool Storytime
Stories, fingerplays, and activities especially for ages 3-5. Siblings are always welcome, and registration is not required. If you have questions, call 777-1537.
When? Fridays, 10am-10:45am
Where? James Activity Room, Prescott Public Library
Karma Farm meeting
Open meeting. Learn how you can participate in your not-for-profit community farm.
When? 10:00 am Mondays and Fridays
Where? Coffee Roasters - 318 W. Gurley St.
Food Not Bombs
This is an all-volunteer (twice) weekly event in which people come together to prepare, eat and clean a free vegan meal made from foods that are donated or can no longer be sold. We believe that everyone should have access to free, healthy food. Your presence and help are strongly encouraged!
Cook at The Catalyst at 12:00 pm
Serve and Eat at the Courthouse at 3:00 pm
Clean Dishes at The Catalyst at 4:00 pm
Prescott Free Radio Foundation Meetings!
Radio committees will be meeting to discuss the creation & operation of what is soon to be Prescott's most exciting alternative media source. Talk to us (prescottfreeradio@riseup.net) if you're interested in helping with radio programming, operations, events, english to spanish translation, or voicework. If you have questions, proposals, or just want to attend a meeting, drop us a line and we'll set something up!
When? Tuesdays (and Fridays), 4-6pm (starting Tuesday the 19th/Friday the 22nd)
Where? The Catalyst Infoshop
Clases de Inglés
Les invita a una clase de ingles para facilitar su comunicación y mejorar su estancia aquí en los Estados Unidos. ¡Familia y Amigos son Bienvenidos y las clases son completamente gratis!
Donde? 310 Grove Ave, Ironwood Salón C
Cuando? cada lunes y viernes, despues de 15 de enero
ESL (English as a Second Language) Classes hosted by the Aztlan Center
Come practice your English, or volunteer with teaching or childcare.
When? Mondays and Fridays from 6-8pm, beginning on January 15.
Where? Ironwood C, Prescott College Campus
Go to skool!
Bike the Peavine Trail
Bike the Peavine Trail with the Yavapai Group of the Sierra Club. Birdwatching, local and natural history, an easy,
educational bike tour (8 miles, 100' EC, "C").
When? January 1st, 1-4pm
Where? RSVP Tom Slaback, prescottkid@peoplepc.com or 928-778-4233
Original Drawings and Comics
Original Drawings and Comics: View original cover art, comics and drawings from the collection of Prescott Librarian Russell Miller
When? January 1st, all day!
Where? Viewerie B, Prescott Public Library
for more information contact: Russ Miller, 777-1526
United Animal Friends
United Animal Friends: Find out more about this pet rescue organization and the artists making the bowls for "Woof it Up".
When? January 1st, all day
Where? Viewerie C, Prescott Public Library
for more information contact: Jean Lutz, 445-3553
Prescott Gem and Mineral Club
Monthly meeting
When? January 2nd, 9pm-12pm
Where? Founders Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
Quadrantids Meteor Shower
The Quadrantids are an above average shower, with up to 40 meteors per hour at their peak.
When? January 3rd, after midnight
Where? A dark location- look for meteors radiating from the constellation Bootes.
Quadrantids Meteor Shower
The Quadrantids are an above average shower, with up to 40 meteors per hour at their peak.
When? January 4th, after midnight
Where? A dark location- look for meteors radiating from the constellation Bootes.
International Film Series
"for my Father: 48 hours to Choose Between Life and Death". Israel, in Hebrew with English subtitles. Enjoy award-winning international films on the first Tuesday of each month.
When? January 5th, 6:30pm-8pm
Where? Founder's Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
Wednesday Poetry Discussion Group
Join Dr. Janet Preston to enjoy and discuss great poetry in an informal setting. This free program is open to all. Copies of poems will be distributed at the gathering.
When? January 6th, 10am-12pm
Where? Elsea Conference Room, Prescott Public Library
for more information contact: Sharon Seymour, 928-777-1509
Teen Game Day!!!
Play games, have a snack, and hang out with other teens! Open to grades 6 and up.
When? January 6th, 1:30pm-3:30pm
Where? Founder's Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
Prescott Astronomy Club
General Meeting
When? January 6th, 6pm-8:30pm
Where? Founder's Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
The Cauldron (A Poet's Wellspring)
Poets Gathering
When? Jan. 6th, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Where? Elsea Conference Room, Prescott Public Library
Technical Working Group Meeting
Central Yavapai Highlands Water Resource Management Study, a collaboration between Yavapai County, Arizona Department of Water Resources, and US Bureau of Reclamation to determine long-term regional needs and supplies of water, and plan for meeting needs.
When? January 7th, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Where? In Cottonwood; for location details please contact Chris Moran,
chris.moran@co.yavapai.az.us or 928-639-8110.
Poets Open Circle
Poetry Reading
When? 6:30pm-8:30pm
Where? Bump Conference Room, Prescott Public Library
Animal Disaster Services
Monthly meeting/training
When? January 9th, 9:30am-11:30am
Where? Elsea Conference Room, Prescott Public Library
Facilitation workshop with Adam
Do you find yourself having conversations, going to meetings, or teaching freeskool classes? Are you a good listener? Do collaboration, synthesis and consensus make you unbelievably excited? If you answered any of these questions, this workshop is for you. Come practice your facilitation skills. We'll talk about how to keep conversations organized and productive while remaining collaborative and inclusive.
When? January 10 at 1pm
Where? the Catalyst
Canyon Country Community Lecture Series
This month: Jim Babbitt presents "Flagstaff". The Grand Canyon Association and the library partner to present these popular lectures.
When? January 10th, 2pm-4pm
Where? Founder's Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
for more information contact: Toni Kaus, Grand Canyon Association, 928-777-1519
This movie is RIDICULOUS!! Come eat popcorn, watch Twilight, and engage in a feminist critique of this film during pauses. Are you team Edward? Or possibly team this-movie-is-so-heteronormative-and-racist-it's-sickening? Why is there no team Bella??? Or maybe it's just a good old fashioned vampire romance? Let's find out!
When? Sunday the 10th @ 8pm
Where? The Catalyst Infoshop
Prescott Area Natural Parenting Group
support for natural/attachment parenting
When? January 11th, 9:30am-12pm
Where? Founders Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
Tuesday Morning Book Club
Join us as we read and discuss a wide variety of contemporary fiction and nonfiction.
When? January 12th, 10am-11:30am
Where? Founders Suite B, Prescott Public Library
Yavapai Symphony Guild Free Concert, Open to the Public!
Heidi Krutzen and Lorna McGhee Duo from the Piatigorsky Foundation are re-envisioning the traditional flute and harp duo. Exploring the full expressive capabilities of their instruments they are surprising audiences with a richness of sound, kaleidoscopic colours and dynamic range rarely heard from the flute and harp.
When? January 12th, Coffee at 9:30am, Concert at 10am
Where? Adult Center of Prescott
1280 B Rosser Street
Prescott, AZ 86301
Paula Matthew Midwifery
When? Jan. 12th, 6pm-8pm
Where? Founders Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
Prescott Area Board Gamers
Play board games!
When? Jan. 13th, 5pm-8:30pm
Where? Elsea Conference Room, Prescott Public Library
Central AZ Geology Club
General Meeting
When? Jan. 13th, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Where? Founders Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
Nursing Workshop
Topics that will be covered: Nursing Program Admission, requirements, how and when to apply to the Nursing Program, what is the AAS in Nursing? Nursing department and nursing student representative available.
When? Thursday, January 14 3pm-4pm
Where? Yavapai College, Prescott Campus, Bldg. 3, Room 271
For more information contact: Jodi Showler at 928-717-7735
Parenting from Your Heart
Non-violent communication skills
When? Jan. 14th, 6pm-8:30pm
Where? Founders Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
WORDS Book Club
Join us for a lively discussion of a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction.
When? January 14th, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Where? Bump Conference Room, Prescott Public Library
for more information contact: Yvonne Mills, 776-4123
Celtic Traditions
Learn about Celtic songs, poetry, fokelore, etc.
When? Jan. 14th, 7pm-8:30pm
Where? Elsea Conference Room, Prescott Public Library
Coffee and Carl Jung with Addie
"The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens into that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was a conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach..."-CGJ
When? Friday the 15th at 10am
Where? Coffee Roasters
Talking Heads FNB with Addie
Come prepared the dance/bop/shake etc. Extra points if you come in a giant suit.
Let's make sure to be done with prep by 2 so we can make stickers with Anna!!!
When? Friday the 25th, 12-3pm, serve at the square @ 3
Where? The Catalyst Kitchen.
Third Friday Chamber Music Series
Stamitz, Beethoven, Danzi and Mozart are featured this month. Enjoy these free concerts performed by local chamber players and special guests.
When? January 15th, 4pm-5:30pm
Where? Founders Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
for more information contact: Sharon Seymour, 928-777-1509
Shauna Tewksbury- Photography: The Backyard Series
When? Jan. 15th - Feb. 14th 2010, Open daily from 10am to 6pm.
Where? Arts Prescott Gallery
134 S. Montezuma St
Prescott, Arizona
Make Your Own Stickers with annaconda
Stop buying stickers and make your own, already!
Vinyl sticker paper will be provided, but please bring drawing instruments.
When? January 15th, 2:07 pm
Where? The Catalyst
Astronomy with Jedi Moses
Celebrate the New Moon and learn how our universe was created, its structure, make up, etc.
When? January 15th, 6pm
Where? The Catalyst
"Go Green @ Your Library" Winter Reading Party
Kick off the 2010 kids Winter Reading Program in style at this fun event. Sign up for Winter REading, make a recycled craft, and eat some green snacks. All ages welcome.
When? January 16, 10:30am-12pm
Where? James Activity Room, Prescott Public Library
SmashTown USA with Idhn
Lets get together in a warm safe space and stitch some patches on our drafty jeans and sweaters (if you don't have holes, add some flair!) It's cold
outside so come down to the Catalyst and we'll practice hand sowing techniques and listen to some thrash metal to stay warm. We'll talk about how to fend off the "neoliberal blues" and smash some oppressive systems in our psychology and social order. Everyone welcome.
When? At the Catalyst
Where? January 16th 12:30
Womanifesto discussion and writing sesh
Read the Womanifesto zine? Want to? Come get a copy of the December & January issue, talk about the zine, and give us your input on what you’d like to see. Or write it yourself! Got art, poetry, or thoughts you’d like to share in womanifesto? This is the time to type them out, get feedback, & get it out there!! Please note: we will be listening to as many girl bands as possible during this time. Feel free to bring mix cds!
When? Saturday the 16th, 2pm
Where? catalyst
how to open a beer with a bic (and other random objects) with Devin and A-money
Come watch youtube videos of hard halloween in L.A. and attempt to open bottles, probably ginger ale. We will be discussing Major Lazer's performance art: sexist or sexy? Awkward or awesome?!?! Some students will be yelping with frustration because opening bottles with lighters is hard! Impromptu dancing may occur. See you there.
When? Saturday January 16th, 4pm
Where? The Catalyst Infoshop
The Mountain Spinners & Weaver Guild
An organization to promote interest and skill in weaving, spinning, basketry, and related fiber arts.
When? Meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of every month.
Our meetings begin at 9:00 am with a business meeting, coffee and social time, and our program at 10:30.
Where? at the American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr. in Prescott, Arizona. Visitors are always welcome!
The Artist's Path
Visual Art: Hopi Prophecy, Filmer Kewanyama, Hopi Nation.
Opera: The Severed Kingdom, Composed and Performed by Ember Larrington Crocker. The Humanities: "My Children, My Heroes: Memoirs of a Holocaust Mother" by Sonia Minuskin, Performed by Arlene Minuskin, Translated by Harold Minuskin.
Music: We Are Not Like Them! Composed by Terri New, Doug & Vida Lunn, Performed by Terri New.
Dance: Ing Choreographed by Nicole Romine.
Poetry: Slam Poetry Artist TBA.
Alternative Art Forms: Sand Animation from the Ukraine by Kseniya Simonova.
Photography: Selected War Time Photos, Varied Photographers.
Film: In the Footsteps of Yellow Woman by Camille Manybeads, Navajo Nation.
Playwriting: Summertree by Ron Cowen, Performed by Dino Palazzi & Gail Mangham Courtesy of Dramatists Play Service & Ron Cowen.
When???? Sunday, January 17th, 2:30pm-4:30pm
Where? Founders Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
We love you Camille!!!!!!<3
"No Olympics on Stolen Native Land"
Come watch the "Five Ring Circus" and stay for a discussion about the movement to
resist the 2010 Olympics!
When? January 18th, 5-8 pm
Where? the Catalyst
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
When? Monday, January 18th 7pm-9pm
Where? Yavapai College, Performance Hall on the Prescott Campus
for more information contact: Jane Hirsch 928-776-2091
Teen Book Discussion - "Unwind"
Kids and teens in grades 6-12 meet to discuss Unwind, by Meal Shusterman. Visit the Youth Desk or call Jennifer at 777-1518 to reserve a copy of the book!
When? Jan. 19th, 3:30pm-4:45pm
Where? Elsea Conference Room, Prescott Public Library
Partners in Health Care Naturally
Naturopathic Medicine education.
When? Jan. 19th, 6:30pm-7:30pm
Where? Founders Suite A&B
Hang on to Each Other
Listen to a Silver Mt. Zion while writing letters to prisoners! Amazing! Phenomenal! Emotional! Astounding! Super! This music will surely inspire you. Tea will be served and there will be much information on prisoner support as well as info on the Green Scare. If people are interested, we can start a dialogue on this. Or we can all just be quiet, warm and write and draw to prisoners!
When? January 20th, 4 - 6pm
Where? the Catalyst
Capitalism, Cages, and Human Mining: Why prison privatization sucks for all of us.
Arizona is currently attempting to privatize all prisons including all state buildings and prison medical facilities. This is completely unprecedented...uncovering to the world that AZ has long been a neo-liberal testing ground. Lets work together to better deconstruct the relationship between capitalism, incarceration, and privatization. This guided discussion will explore questions like: why is prison privatization worse that state run prisons, what is the AZ H.B. 2010, and what can we do about it?
WHEN: January 20th 6pm
WHERE: Catalyst
A Historical Look at the AV-8 Harrier Program with William O’Hara
American Aviation Historical Society (AAHS) ERAU-Prescott Chapter presents speaker/multi-media program. Learn about military aircrafts...
When: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Where: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU)
Davis Learning Center (DLC) Auditorium on campus
ERAU Entrance: 3700 Willow Creek Rd., Prescott
Practical Saver
Spend Less Live More Workshop
When? Jan 21st, 9:30am-1pm
Where? Founders Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
Prescott Education & Awareness Coalition for Epilepsy (P.E.A.C.E.)
Educate and Raise Awareness for those affected by Epilepsy
When? Jan. 21, 4pm-5pm
Where? Founders Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
Third Thursday Star Talk
Understanding the distant universe, ultraluminous galaxies and formation of galaxies through combined observations at visible, near-infrared, ultraviolet and radio wavelengths. Spitzer Space Telescope is a space-borne, cryogeniclly-cooled infrared observatory.
When? Jan. 21st, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Where? Founders Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
for more information contact: Margaret Espinoza, 928-777-1509
Prescott Astronomy Club
Project ASTRO Workshop!
When? Jan 22nd, 9am-5:30pm
Where? Founders Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
Coffee and Carl Jung with Addie
"We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect; we apprehend it just as much by feeling. Therefore, the judgment of the intellect is, at best, only the half of truth, and must, if it be honest, also come to an understanding of its inadequacy." -CGJ
When? Friday the 22nd at 10am
Where? Coffee Roasters
Bring your favorite electronic music!!!!! I've got a Kanye remix that I can't get over and an M83 song best played at high volume...Somebody please bring some Major Laser and/or the Diplo-Santogold mixtape. No seriously. Extra points if you bring glowsticks.
When? Friday the 22nd 12-3, serve at the square @ 3
Where? The Catalyst Kitchen
4th Friday Art Walk!
art art art art art art art
When? Jan 22nd, at night
Where? All over downtown!
New Beginnings Art Reception with Mountain Artists Guild
When? January 22nd, 5 - 7:30 pm
Where? 228 North Alarcon in Prescott, Arizona 86301
What Would You Love?
PSYCH-K introduction and demonstration.
"PSYCH-K is a set of principles and processes designed to change subconscious beliefs that limit the expression of your full potential as a divine being having a human experience." - Robert M. Williams October 2009
When? Jan. 23rd, 10am-1pm
Where? Elsea Conference Room, Prescott Public Library
Queer History
So you've heard of Harvey Milk, the Stonewall Riots, and the Log Cabin Republicans… but what about the Lavender Menace or the Daughters of Bilitis? Did you know that the pink triangle was used to designate homosexuals in concentration camps? Or that the man who organized the U.S. military as we know it was gay? Come be a better ally by procuring knowledge of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, & transgender community in the U.S. and of antiquity. Or, if you’re queer, come find out everything they didn’t teach us in school about our past. Followed by a general discussion on queerness.
When? Noon, Saturday the 23rd
Where? catalyst
The Mysticism of Death in History with Jedi-Moses
We'll examine how cultures look at death religiously throughout the span of (wo)man's history. The phenomena and what it means.
When? January 23rd, 4pm
Where? The Catalyst
Prescott Area Board Gamers
Play Board Games!
When? Jan. 27th, 5pm-8:30pm
Where? Elsea Conference Room, Prescott Public Library
Science fiction is often praised, or accused, writer Alan Dean Foster says, of trying to predict the future. The problem nowadays is that writers struggle to stay ahead of actual developments in science. Foster will discuss how a writer can avoid falling behind the curve not only of technology, but of change in society and culture, when he presents “Tomorrow’s Future Today” at the January meeting of the Professional Writers of Prescott.
(Foster's work includes excursions into hard science fiction, fantasy, horror, detective, western, historical, and contemporary fiction. He has also written numerous nonfiction articles on film, science, and scuba diving. He wrote the story for the first “Star Trek” movie, as well as the novel versions of many films, including “Star Wars,” the first three “Alien” films, “Star Trek,” “Terminator: Salvation,” and both “Transformers” films. His novel “Shadowkeep” was the first ever book adaptation of an original computer game.)
When? January 27th, 7pm-8:30om
Where? Founders Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
for more information: call Leslie Hoy, 445-4218 or visit www.prescottwriters.com
the Snail Mail Club with annaconda
Let's reclaim our mailboxes! We should not expect only junk mail and bills! When is the last time you wrote a letter to someone you love or used to love or maybe never loved??? Slow down and let everything fall into the hands of our beloved and slighted mail(wo)man. Draw! Write poetry! Bring little gifts to add! Make copies of zines to send! Send polaroids! I heard you can even send stale pancakes through the mail. Bake!!!!!!!! Cookies!!!! Stamps and ink, colored pencils, paper, and the likes will be provided. I highly doubt the pens available will work, so you should probably bring your own. Maybe you'll want to use a calligraphy pen, anyways, which is more specialized. I will purchase stamps, but will ask for a reimbursement of for each stamp you use. This will save you the annoying trip of waiting in line at the post office.
When? January 28th, 6:28 pm until we are satiated.
Where? the Catalyst
Coffee and Carl Jung with Addie
"When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate." -CGJ
When? Friday the 29th at 10am
Where? Coffee Roasters
Water Quality Monitoring Training with Prescott Creeks
Are you interested in learning more about local water quality issues, how to
get involved in Prescott Creeks' upcoming monitoring program, and proper
field techniques?
When? January 30, 8 am - 2 pm (with an optional fieldtrip to Watson Woods to follow)
Where? Prescott College Crossroads Center
Also! Lunch, coffee, and tea provided
RSVP now! Only 20 spots available!
RSVP to Ann-Marie Benz at AMBenz@PrescottCreeks.org or 928-445-5669.
Randi Walker's Piano Students
Piano recital!
When? Jan. 30th, 1:30pm-3pm
Where? Founders Suite A&B, Prescott Public Library
Howl like a Wolf with the Full Moon
This year's first full moon. Go outside and howl!
When? January 30th, 7:18 pm
Where? Wherever you are, outside of the giant, warm box you'll probably be in