Prescott Pride Center
111 Josephine Street, Prescott
The Catalyst Infoshop
207 Spring Street
The Prescott Public Library
215 E. Goodwin Street
Coffee Roasters
318 West Gurley Street
HUB (Helping Understand Bicycles)
behind the Prescott College Admissions - 306 Grove Ave
Alta Vista Garden Club
Enjoy the results of some of Prescott's finest gardeners, with a colorful array of flowers, garden accessories, books and garden tour information.
When: All Month
Where: Viewerie A, PPL
Southwest Artists Association
Southwestern Artists Association will display fine art by local artists throughout the month of August. These works will be in various mediums, including photography,
paintings, sculpture and graphics.
When: All Month
Where: Viewerie C, PPL
The Prescott GSA
(College-age peer support group) may continue to meet periodically through the summer, but specific plans haven’t been finalized yet. Check out the GSA on Facebook to
find out the latest — just search for “Prescott GSA” or call the Pride Center at (928) 445-8800.
Conversational Spanish
Check your English at the door and brush up on your Spanish! Whether you are heading south on vacation or just don't want to lose your ability to speak Spanish, join us for
conversation and camaraderie. All levels of ability are welcome.
When: Aug 8th, 11am - 1pm
Where: Elsea Conference Room, PPL
Toddler Storytime
Join Mr. Steve for gentle stories and activities selected for ages 0-2, on a new day of the week (Tuesday).
When: Aug 3, 10-11am
Where: Youth Services Area, PPL
Socialism Today
Information on Current Socialist Political Parties and their Activities, Issues, and Campaigns, Discussion to Follow and Information on how to Contact and/or Contribute. Bring an open mind, please.
When? Wednesdays, 6 pm
Where? The Catalyst Infoshop
Page Turners with Miss Joan
Kids from 6-10 can join Miss Joan for stories every Thursday afternoon. Some sessions will include crafts or other activities inspired by the stories.
When: Aug 5, 3:30-4:15pm
Where: James Activity Room, PPL
HUB Open Hours
Fix Your Bike!
When? Thursdays, 5-8 pm
Where? HUB
Prescott Karaoke Idol Contest
Join us at the Prescott Courthouse Square to watch 15 to 20 people compete for a spot in the finals. Who will be the next Prescott Idol?
When: Thursday nights except the third Thursday, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Where: Courthouse Square
Preschool Storytime
Stories, fingerplays, and activities especially for ages 3-5. Siblings are always welcome, and registration is not required.
When: Aug 6, 10-10:45am
Where: James Activity Room, PPL
HUB Meeting
How to be involved
When? Fridays, 4:30 - 5 pm
HUB Open Hours
Fix Your Bike!
When? Fridays, 5-8 pm
Drop-in Chess
Players of all ages and skill levels are invited to drop in and play chess. Chess sets are available to check out for use in the library.
When: Aug 7, 2-4pm
Where:Chess Tables, PPL
Sunday, August 1
T-Time for Trans
T-Time is a monthly open discussion group for trans-identified or gender-questioning people and people who want to learn more about trans issues. It provides a safe
environment for discussing gender with other supportive people. The open forum style allows participants to share information and offer much-needed peer support.
When: Sunday, August 1st • 1:30 pm
Where: Prescott Pride Center
Tuesday, August 3
Matrix Matters : Healing education
When: Aug 3, 10am-12pm
Where: Elsea Conference Room, PPL
Watershed Health
Prescott National Forest holds a public meeting to listen to
community feedback about the third draft of the Forest Plan (DRAFT 3). The plan
for the meeting is "open house format, with stations for various topics or
issues." One of the topics will be watershed health. For the first time
information will be available with maps and documentation.
When? August 3, 6-8pm
Where? Prescott Adult Center, 1280B East Rosser Street.
Wednesday, August 4
Prescott Astronomy Club
General Meeting
When:Aug 4, 6-8:30pm
Where Founders Suite A & B, PPL
Thursday, August 5
Poets Open Circle
Poetry reading/ workshop
When: Aug 5, 6-8:30pm
Where: Bump Conference Room
Saturday, August 7
Animal Disaster Services
Monthly Meeting
When: Aug 7, 9:30-11am
Where: Elsea Conference Room, PPL
Seventh Annual Western History Symposium
Sponsored by the Sharlot Hall Museum and The Prescott Corral Of Westerners International
The Symposium presentations are free and open to the public, although seating at the Museum is limited. The Symposium includes five presentations at the Museum’s Lawler
Exhibit Center on August 7, starting at 10 a.m. with the “Canyon Diablo Train Robbery of 1889,” presented by Dr. Paul Hietter of Mesa Community College. Other
presentations are “Murder on Whiskey Row,” “Early Female Politicians in Arizona,” “Ernest Love,” “The Founding of Prescott.”
When: Aug 7, starting at 10am
Where: Sharlott Hall Museum
Prescott Gem & Mineral Club
When: Aug 7, 9:30am - 12:30pm
Where: Founders Suite A & B, PPL
Monday, August 9
August Discussion Topic: “Gender Identity”
A few months ago, PFLAG began hosting a discussion segment as part of its peer support meetings. We’ve talked about the inclusion of gays and lesbians in the 2010 census, the anti-gay adoption bill in the Arizona legislature, and the impact of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. All of these discussions have been interesting and enlightening for PFLAG members and guests alike. PFLAG meetings are open to the entire community, so we hope you’ll join us for one of our upcoming discussions.
The topic for August is “Gender Identity,” which will be facilitated by Erica, a long-time community activist and transgender advocate. Erica (aka Frank, aka Sister Frankly Truself) is lucky enough to have a PFLAG Mom in Prescott and shares this invitation with the community: “I spend my workdays in Phoenix at the state health department working on HIV prevention. Outside of work, I’m a community activist in the GLBTQ world. My interest in gender identity has led to both academic knowledge and
personal experience that I look forward to sharing with the group. Please join me for a broad discussion of such things as pronouns, public restrooms, “passing,” and what it’s like to be at more than one point on the gender continuum. Male? Female? Other? Let’s talk!” We hope you can drop in for this engaging discussion.
Peer support continues to be offered at each PFLAG meeting for anyone who needs it. All meetings are confidential and are facilitated by a member of the PFLAG steering committee. If you’d like more information on the peer support process or are in need of one-on-one PFLAG support, please call the Pride Center at (928) 445-8800 or email
When: August 9th • 6 pm
Where: Emmauel Lutheran Church, 7763 E. Long Look Drive, Prescott Valley
Prescott Area La Leche League
Breastfeeding support and information
When: Aug 9, 9:30-11:30
Where: Founders Suite B, PPL
Slow Food Meeting and Local Foods Potluck
When? August 9 5pm
Where? the Crossroads Cafe
Tuesday August 10
Tuesday Morning Book Club
Join us for a lively book discussion each month. August's title is "The Tenderness of Wolves" by Stef Penny. Look for flyers announcing upcoming titles. Call 777-1526 for
When: Aug 10, 10-11:30am
Where: Elsea Conference Room, PPL
Yavapai Digital Art & Foto Club
Monthly meeting and fun
When: Aug 10, 6-8pm
Where: Founders Suite B, PPL
Wednesday, August 11
Prescott Area Board Gamers
Play board games
When: Aug 11, 5-8:30pm
Where: Elsea Conference Room, PPL
International Film Series
Enjoy the much acclaimed international film "A Call Girl".
When: Aug 11, 6:30-8pm
Where: Founders Suite A & B, PPL
Friday, August 13th
Bring your beads, paints art supplies. Some fun stuff will be provided. All ages welcome!
When? 4 pm
Where? The Catalyst Infoshop

Saturday, August 14th
What Would You Love?
What is PSYCH-K?
When: Aug 14, 10am-1pm
Where: Elsea Conference Room, PPL
Friday, August 20
Events include a work project to help re-organize the shop, bike games, a raffle, FREE FOOD, and a free tune-up workshop and Q & A with Sue Knaup, founder of Ironclad,
from 5-7pm.
When? 20th, 3-8 pm
Saturday, August 21
Dusty Dog Films
A Blue Uncertain Buzz Screening and Celebration
When: Aug 221, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Where: Founders Suite A & B, PPL
Acker On The Plaza
Various musical groups performing around the plaza from 10:00 to 10:00 pm
When: Aug 21, 10am
Where: Courthouse Plaza.
Sunday, August 22
Prescott Orchid Society
General meeting
When: Aug 22, 1-4:30pm
Where: Founders Suite A & B, PPL
Cribbage Open Group
Play Cribbage
When: Aug 22, 2-4pm
Where: Elsea Conference Room, PPL
Wednesday, August 25
Professional Writers of Prescott
Supportive and informational/monthly speakers
When: Aug 25, 5:30pm-8:30pm
Where: Founders Suite A, PPL
Saturday, August 28
Sign Language Class
When: Aug 28, 9-10am
Where: Elsea Conference Room, PPL
Prescott Computer Society
Education on computer use
When: Aug 28, 1-3pm
Where: Founders Suite A & B, PPL
2nd Annual Run For The Creeks
For more information:
When? Aug. 28th, 8 am
Where? Willow Lake Trail
Western Fun n' Craft Fair
FREE fun kids fair with bouncy house, games, prizes, entertainment, animals, food and more. Also, arts and craft fair for all to enjoy.
When: Aug 28, 10am - 2pm
Where: Center for Spiritual Living 3375 Willow Creek Rd. Prescott (Across from Embry Riddle)
Tuesday, August 31
Educate the public about Linux
When: Aug 31, 6-8pm
Where: Founders Suite B, PPL
Arizona @ Large
Tuscon! FREE Screening of 9500 Liberty Arizona's SB 1070 has been tried once before, and it was repealed after two months of implementation due to the efforts of a bi-partisan coalition of business owners, law enforcement leaders, the faith community, and some courageous stay-at-home moms. After a sold-out premiere and a successful six-week run in Phoenix, the award-winning documentary 9500 LIBERTY returns to Arizona for a series screenings, free and open to the public. **w/ Spanish subtitles!
*†Director Eric Byler will answer questions following the screening
SB 1070 de Arizona ya ha sido juzgada. Y falló. En el condado Prince William, Virginia, una ley que requiere la policía para verificar el estatus migratorio de personas a las
que había "causa probable" para sospechar que eran inmigrantes indocumentados entró en vigor en Marzo de 2008. Los ciudadanos se unieron para exigir que la ley fuera
rechazada en el enfrentamiento de costosas demandas legales y un impacto económico devastador. Con subtítulos en Español Para obtener más información visite, To RSVP, email the YWCA at
When: Monday Aug. 2nd 6 PM
Where: YWCA Tucson,
525 North Bonita Avenue
Tucson, AZ
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